2Plant Offers Lily Looks, Growing Colors & More...
2Plant International works hard to offer you a great balanced program of the newest plant introductions and the best old standards, at the best quality possible to fit your greenhouse production schedule or quantities.

Calla Lily 'Zazu'®
Bright hot pink, fluted flowers with narrow green foliage, very floriferous. shipped direct from the grower to your greenhouse.

Lily Looks ®
The market leading line of lilies for pots. Lily Looks produces top quality potted plants any time of the year.

Growing Colors™ Perennial Program
We offer you different sizes of perennial plugs and bare roots. We also have an extensive line of the newest and most unique varieties.

Bringing unique programs to the market. Like Zone 5 tropicals. Check out our program section for additional ideas and products

2Plant Availability
Availability to fit your production schedule