Concept Plants Plants

Agapanthus 'Northern Star' PP20957 (African Lily)
Northern Star African Lily

Anemone hybrida 'Pink Kiss'
Japanese Anemone

Buddleia 'High Five Purple'
Butterfly Bush

Carex oshimensis 'Evercream' PPAF (Sedge)
EverColor® Evercream

Carex oshimensis 'Everdi' PP25086 (Sedge)
EverColor® Everdi

Carex oshimensis 'Everlite' PP28568 (Sedge)
EverColor® Everlite

Chelone obliqua 'Tiny Tortuga'

Clematis 'Evipo027' (Clematis)
Taiga Clematis

Dahlia 'Days' (Dahlia)
Dreamy® Days

Dahlia 'Flame' (Dahlia)
Dreamy® Flame

Dahlia 'Kiss' (Dahlia)
Dreamy® Kiss

Dahlia 'Lips' (Dahlia)
Dreamy® Lips

Dahlia 'Nights' (Dahlia)
Dreamy® Nights

Dahlia 'Sunlight' (Dahlia)
Dreamy® Sunlight

Delosperma 'Amethyst' DSAM13-1 PP27013 (Ice Plant)
Jewel of Desert Amethyst

Delosperma 'Candystone' PPAF (Ice Plant)
Jewel of Desert Candystone

Delosperma 'Garnet' PP23471 (Ice Plant)
Jewel of Desert Garnet

Delosperma cooperi 'Fire Wonder'
Hardy Ice Plant

Delosperma cooperi 'Golden Wonder'
Hardy Ice Plant

Delosperma cooperi 'Hot Pink Wonder'
Hardy Ice Plant

Delosperma cooperi 'Orange Wonder'
Hardy Ice Plant

Delosperma cooperi 'Violet Wonder'
Hardy Ice Plant

Delosperma cooperi 'Wheels of Wonder Mix'
Hardy Ice Plant

Delosperma cooperi 'White Wonder'
Hardy Ice Plant

Nepeta 'Neptune'
Dwarf Catmint

Penstemon hybrid 'Purple Perfection'
Beard Tongue

Phlox paniculata 'Bambini Desire'
Garden Phlox

Phlox paniculata 'Bambini Sweet Tart'
Garden Phlox

Phlox paniculata 'Primadonna' Verpri PPAF (Garden Phlox)
Bambini® Primadonna

Salvia 'Bocoffla' PPAF (Salvia)
Feathers Flamingo Salvia

Sedum 'Plum Dazzled' PPAF (Stonecrop)
Sunsparkler® Plum Dazzled

Sedum takesimense 'Nonsitnal' PP27454 (Stonecrop)
Atlantis™ Stonecrop

Veronica spicata 'Bubblegum Candles'

Veronica spicata 'Purplegum Candles' Verspi PPAF (Speedwell)
Purplegum Candles Speedwell